Bankruptcy End   What finally happened at the last 2 days of the C=
  Kittel Speaks    An announcement from Dr. Peter Kittel, the new head of
                  Amiga Engineering at Escom, on his hiring and plans for
                  the Amiga!                 
  IRC Conference   The capture of the online IRC conference about the end of
                  the C= buyout with Jason Compton and Joshua Galun.
  Interviews       Interviews of Bernard van Tienan of Escom and Colin
                  Proudfoot of C= UK, regarding the C= buyout.  
  Amiga Ad no.1    The first of 3 imaginary Amiga ads that we thinks the new
                  owners should put on the air.
  Amiga Ad no.2    The second imaginary Amiga ad.
  Amiga Ad no.3    The final imaginary Amiga ad.
  RISC Amigas?     Commentary on why the next generation Amigas must be
                  RISC...and why it doesn't matter that they will be
                  incompatible with existing Amiga software!
  Some Bits 3      Part 3/4 of the excellent story, Some Bits of Treasure

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